Dust Filter Shop provides new filter bags and cartridges.
We also clean and recondition your dirty filters so they can be reused.
Dust Filter Shop also supplies a full line of dust collector parts and cages.
Filter Bags- Manufacturing of filters both O.E.M. and custom. Filters are manufactured to meet your needs. Pleated Filter
Cartridges- Pleated dust bags or filters to replace bag filters. Custom and O.E.M. manufacturing. We will engineer the correct filter for your application. Blower intake, Compressor, Air Oil Coalescer Filters- Replacement filter elements for almost every make and model.
Cages, Solenoids, Diaphragms- Parts...Parts...Parts for all your collector needs.
What filter media can be cleaned? Using the time proven Dust Filter Shop cleaning method either woven or needle felt materials are cleanable. Shakers Reverse air, pulsejet whatever the make or model.
We have been very successful cleaning the materials listed below, in fact the pictures above are of a (left to right) P-84 bag, polyester and, Nomex filter we have cleaned
Teflon coated or bathed materials
Dual density
Dual denier
Combo felts
Oleo phobic
Nomex, Conex, Arimid
PTFE, or TetratexP-84
****The only material we have been unsuccessful cleaning is a Fiberglass media filter bag due the brittleness of the glass fibers in the media.
Note: Dust Filter Shop requires MSDS for each product being cleaned. Absolutely no hazardous, or harmful contaminated bags are to be sent in for cleaning process.